- Algemene
info - Training
Club - Agenda
Activiteiten - Accommodatie
Faciliteiten - Prijzen
en Startdata - Fotos
en Videos - Vragen
Details kamp
Training: |
15 uur / week |
Engelse les: |
Geen Engels |
Vereiste leeftijd: |
9-17 jaar |
Locatie hoofdkantoor: |
Madrid |
Dichtstbijzijnde vliegveld: |
Barajas (MAD) |
Gedurende de zomermaanden biedt de Real Madrid Foundation een voetbalkamp aan voor jongens en meisjes tussen de 9 en 17 jaar oud, waar zij kunnen voetballen en trainen met andere voetballiefhebbers. Daarnaast kunnen ze deelnemen interessante activiteiten en excursies, georganiseerd door een team van professionals, terwijl ze met jongeren vanuit de hele wereld samenleven.
Het is de combinatie van specifieke trainingsprogramma’s en andere activiteiten wat dit kamp tot een ongelooflijke ervaring maakt die jongeren nooit meer zullen vergeten.
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Er zijn twee beschikbare programma's:
- Standaard programma: voor spelers van alle niveaus. De training wordt uitgevoerd in Valdebebas en de jongeren verblijven in de residentie Erasmo de Rotterdam.
- Technisch programma: voor spelers die lid zijn van aangesloten teams. De training wordt zowel uitgevoerd op de voetbalvelden van Villaviciosa de Odón als die van de Europea Universiteit, waar de jongeren ook verblijven.
Kamp beoordeling

Twee soorten programma's: standaard en technisch
Training in de officiële faciliteiten van Real Madrid
Programma voor keepers
Dagelijks transport naar de training vereist
Geen Engelse/Spaanse les
Kamp beoordeling
Video's van klantervaringen met Pro Voetbalkampen.
He liked the coaching sessions. He wants to return next year with his brother. He would have liked to meet all the players. His experience of meeting Gareth Bale changed the opinion he had of him. He began to admire him more and he would have liked to have had the chance to meet more players in the team.
It was great fun and I learned a lot of technical skills. It was a great decision to put drinking water fountains in all the camps.
Improvements could be made to the food and the place (cafeteria)
He liked the coaching sessions. He wants to return next year with his brother. He would have liked to meet all the players. His experience of meeting Gareth Bale changed the opinion he had of him. He began to admire him more and he would have liked to have had the chance to meet more players in the team.
There are so many anecdotes, too many to describe … but to sum up, the most important thing was how happy he was to have the chance to take part, making new friends, improving his technique as a goalkeeper, although he’s not in a particular team at the moment. They motivated him and helped him improve his self esteem. He had a lot of good things to say about the guides and the monitors. Finally, the most important thing is that he wants to return.
From the chats I have had with my son, I think generally he loved the atmosphere of the camp. He was impressed by the international environment with a lot of excellent players from many different countries. The level of preparation was quite high.
I got the impression that he was really happy with the experience and the learning, although he was hoping to achieve a better level of skill, perhaps if teams are formed with players of his age he’ll have the chance to join a local team.
I was pleased that my son could be in his own room, learning how to spend time alone and reflecting on his experience. I would recommend that you ask participants to take a clock or watch so they can adhere to the timetable, given that young people are accustomed to use mobile phones and in the camp this is not permitted (this is also a good thing).